Education, Not War

  • Raised $2,100
  • Pledged$85,000
  • Donators10

Education, Not War: Invest in Gaza’s Children, Spark Their Potential with ShowCare

Amidst the rubble and echoes of conflict, a flicker of hope remains. In the eyes of Gaza’s children, a yearning for knowledge, a dream of a brighter future fueled by education, not war. stands with them, believing every child deserves the chance to learn, grow, and thrive.

The war may have shattered buildings, but it cannot break their spirits. With your support, we can:

  • Rebuild classrooms: Brick by brick, restore safe spaces for learning and imagination to flourish.
  • Empower teachers: Equip them with trauma-informed training to nurture young minds scarred by conflict.
  • Provide essential supplies: Textbooks, pencils, and backpacks become tools for building a better future.
  • Offer scholarships: Bridge the gap for families struggling to afford education, keeping dreams alive.
  • Create innovative learning environments: Foster critical thinking, creativity, and resilience through technology and interactive programs.

Your investment today sparks a ripple effect:

  • Empowered children become agents of change, rebuilding their communities and shaping a peaceful future.
  • Education transcends borders, offering skills and hope that last a lifetime.
  • Investing in one child empowers their family and fuels the collective journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

Here’s how your generosity can make a tangible difference:

  • $75 provides school supplies for a child, fueling their thirst for knowledge.
  • $150 offers a week of teacher training, impacting countless young minds.
  • $250 contributes to rebuilding a classroom, where education becomes a beacon of hope.

Don’t let their potential be buried in the rubble. Choose education, not war. Invest in Gaza’s children and ignite their dreams with

Click the Donate button to donate now or contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference.

#EducationNotWar #ShowCareGaza #EmpowerTheFuture #DonateNow #InvestInHope

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$ 100.00
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Donation Total: $100.00



Marcin Mielniczuk

$200.00 10 June 2020


$200.00 9 June 2020

Muhammad Khan

$200.00 3 June 2020