Gaza’s Displaced Children

  • Raised $1,900
  • Pledged$100,000
  • Donators8

Beyond the Headlines: Donate Today, Heal the Hearts of Gaza’s Displaced Children

The headlines scream of conflict, rubble, and displacement. But beyond the noise, lie the silent stories of Gaza’s children – their shattered dreams, the fear etched on their faces, and the invisible wounds deep within their hearts. delves deeper, beyond the headlines, to reach these young hearts.

We understand that healing goes beyond bandages and food parcels. It’s about mending the emotional scars, restoring a sense of safety, and reigniting the spark of hope in their eyes.

With your support, we can:

  • Offer trauma-informed counseling: Provide safe spaces for children to express their fears and rebuild their emotional well-being.
  • Create art therapy programs: Unleash their creativity, allowing them to process their experiences in a safe and expressive way.
  • Organize group play activities: Foster laughter, connection, and a sense of normalcy through games and shared experiences.
  • Train teachers and caregivers: Equip them with the skills to understand and support children’s emotional needs.

Your donation makes a difference that goes beyond the headlines:

  • A healed heart fuels resilience: Children empowered to manage their emotions can cope with challenges and build a brighter future.
  • Hope replaces fear: By addressing their trauma, we open doors to laughter, dreams, and a renewed sense of possibility.
  • Communities heal together: When children heal, families and communities find strength and hope for collective recovery.

Here’s how your generosity can make a tangible impact:

  • $125 provides a week of art therapy supplies for a group of children.
  • $250 trains 3 caregivers on trauma-informed practices.
  • $400 sponsors a safe space for 5 children to play and connect.

Don’t let their stories remain untold. Go beyond the headlines and donate today to heal the hearts of Gaza’s displaced children.

Click the Donate button to donate now or contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference.

#HealGazaHearts #ShowCareOrg #TraumaHealing #BeyondTheHeadlines #DonateNow

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$ 100.00
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Donation Total: $100.00



Marcin Mielniczuk

$200.00 10 June 2020


$200.00 9 June 2020

Muhammad Khan

$200.00 3 June 2020