Support Gaza’s Children

  • Raised $4,600
  • Pledged$100,000
  • Donators22

From Broken Homes to Building Dreams: Empower Gaza’s Children with Your ShowCare Gift

Imagine a child’s dream: a doctor healing the sick, a teacher inspiring young minds, an artist painting a world of peace. Now imagine those dreams buried under rubble, the foundation of childhood shattered by conflict. This is the harsh reality for thousands of children in Gaza.

Their homes are broken, their hopes threatened, but their spirits remain unbroken. stands with them. We believe every child, no matter their circumstances, deserves the chance to build their dreams. Your generous gift can empower Gaza’s children to rise above the ashes, turning broken homes into launchpads for a brighter future.

With your support, we can:

  • Rebuild classrooms and hospitals, brick by brick, ensuring education and health continues to be a beacon of hope.
  • Equip teachers with trauma-informed training, so they can nurture hearts and minds scarred by conflict.
  • Provide safe spaces for play and learning, where laughter replaces fear and imagination flourishes.
  • Offer psychosocial support, helping children heal from trauma and rediscover their inner strength.
  • Create vocational training programs, empowering them with skills to build their own futures.

Your gift today is not just a donation, it’s an investment in potential. By empowering Gaza’s children, we invest in rebuilding communities, fostering peace, and shaping a brighter tomorrow for the entire region.

Here’s how your generosity can make a tangible difference:

  • $100 provides school supplies for a child, igniting their thirst for knowledge.
  • $200 offers a week of psychosocial support, helping a child heal and rediscover joy.
  • $500 contributes to rebuilding a classroom and hospitals.

Don’t let their dreams remain buried in the rubble. Give them the tools to build, the hope to heal, and the power to rise above.

Donate today and be the catalyst for change. Together, let’s transform broken homes into launching pads for Gaza’s children’s dreams.

Click the Donate button to donate now or contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference.

#EmpowerGaza #ShowCareOrg #EducationNotWar #GiveHope #DonateNow

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$ 100.00
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Donation Total: $100.00



Marcin Mielniczuk

$200.00 10 June 2020


$200.00 9 June 2020

Muhammad Khan

$200.00 3 June 2020