Water For All Children

  • Raised $3,100
  • Pledged$95,000
  • Donators13

Water for Children in Gaza: Ripples of Compassion

“Your Monthly Gift Can Rebuild Lives”

Imagine… a child’s parched lips begging for a single drop. Imagine families struggling to cook, clean, and survive because clean water is a distant dream. This is the harsh reality for thousands of children in Gaza, where conflict has crippled their access to this fundamental right.

But amidst the thirst, hope can flow.

Join and become a ripple of compassion. With your monthly gift, you can bring life-saving water to Gaza’s children and rebuild their lives, one drop at a time.

Your monthly donation will:

  • Deliver clean water: Fund filtration systems, water trucks, and infrastructure repairs to ensure every child has access to safe drinking water.
  • Empower communities: Train locals on water conservation and management, fostering self-sufficiency and long-term solutions.
  • Nurture health: Reduce waterborne diseases and ensure hygiene practices can thrive, protecting children’s well-being.
  • Build resilience: Equip families with water storage containers and hygiene kits, creating stability amidst ongoing challenges.

Your impact will ripple outwards:

  • Improved education: Children no longer miss school due to waterborne illnesses, fostering learning and brighter futures.
  • Empowered mothers: Time spent searching for water frees them to earn income and care for their families.
  • Stronger communities: Shared challenges become opportunities for collaboration and collective action.

Every month, your compassion creates a wave of change.

  • $50 a month provides a family with clean water for a week.
  • $100 a month supports community water education programs.
  • $150 a month helps repair damaged water infrastructure.

Don’t let their thirst define their tomorrow. Be a ripple of compassion. Choose monthly giving and ensure Gaza’s children have the water they need to thrive, not just survive.

Click the Donate button to donate now or contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference.

#WaterForGaza #ShowCareOrg #MonthlyGiving #RippleOfHope #DonateNow

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$ 100.00
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Donation Total: $100.00



Marcin Mielniczuk

$200.00 10 June 2020


$200.00 9 June 2020

Muhammad Khan

$200.00 3 June 2020